Essential Oils

Clear out Stress and Negativity, Using White Sage Oil or Spray.

August 9, 2020

Energy Clearing or Healing, as it is often termed, is an important cleansing practice usually performed by professional energy practitioners for clients, who want to clear their space or personal energy fields of stress, stagnate energy, and negativity.

We have developed these products to assist others who want to clear basic energy on their own. It is the number one qurs tion we get!
Now, you can also do this for yourself, using our Awakening Peak Botanical’s, Energy Clear_______, or _______Sacred White Sage Spray products with a little step-by-step instruction from Awakening Peak’s Master Energy Healer/ Reiki Master, and co-owner of Awakening Peak Botanicals, Cathy Legourd. We built these two products because in our experience we often clear energy, but the average person does not know how to maintain a clean aura or space long-term. We felt that if we could offer an alternative to smudging, some basic know-how from an experienced energy healer and a little direction, you can clear you energy field and the space around and conduct some maintance.

In this article I am going to offer you some simple tips on how to perform a basic energy clearing on yourself or your environment using our Awakening Peak Botanical’s, Energy Clear, Sacred White Sage Spray, with a energized crystal,or distill our White Sage, Essential Oil. .

At the end of this article you will:

> Learn a new way of clearing energy without smudging using Awakening Peak Botanical’s, Energy Clear, Sacred White Sage Spray, and how to use these sage products safely and effectively.
> understand the basics concepts of energy healing
>how stress impacts your energy vibration
Awakening Peak Botanical’s, Energy Clear, Sacred White Sage Spray

A New Sage Product Specifically Designed for the Average Adult to Perform a Basic Energy Clearing – No Smudging Required
The common white sage smudge stick, is often used for this ancient native practice. And, an excellent product geared for professionals to remove heavy energy in a space. It is not needed nor advisable, for the average person, as lighting up a sage stick is often impractical to use in an average space because of the harsh smell and the potential fire hazard of burning anything ,as it is easy to drop embers on the floor with the smudging process. So we came up with a sage product, and a process that you can personally use to clear your own energy without lighting up.

In the article below, we will describe how and why it is important to get into a healthy routine in keeping both your space and aura clear daily.
This is a large topic, however, I will give you the very basics.

The article below will offer you:

  • Briefing on Energy Healing
  • Steps to perform a basic energy healing/ clearing for yourself, using our products.
  • Steps to perform a basic energy healing/ clearing for your environment, using our products.

Understanding Your Own Vibration

Vibration Energy

It is scientifically known that everything and everyone is made from energy. The human body generates mechanical vibrations called infrasonic waves. Those frequencies can vibrate differently, depending on your good or bad moods, egos, emotions, stress, attitudes, life events, workload, employment status, happiness status, illness or wellness… you name it, And it is up to you to stay in control of in your own energy field. As all of this can create disturbance of the energy flow in your body.

It is believed that when the energy flow gets fixed, the person automatically gets cured What most people do not know is that the frequency you emit,fluctuates by the circumstances around you. As well as your house, business, home and even your pets who are very sensitive to your vibration energy.

It is up to you to be able to self- identify how all these variables impact your energy vitiation.

Restore Your Energy Vibration

Your personal energy has a huge impact on your health and happiness. everything you say and think energizes your physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of well-being.Focus, intention, and compassion for oneself and others, help restore the balance and flow of energy throughout your body, mind, and soul. Are you having a:

High Frequency Day

On a real good energy day, we are vibrating at a high frequency.  We may be around positive people, doing something of high interest, or accomplishing tasks easily. We may be having a calm and focused day. Sometimes, to the point of feeling calm and well.

Low Vibration Day

We would want everyday to be a good day. Often, though that does not happen. a there are other factors that bring down our vibration, including ourselves.A bad day, and (we all have them), will keep you trapped at a lower vibration frequency. Unless you take action to change the energy in the room, home, or office you are in. And yes, even your outlook or mood will need a shift to match with your cleared environment..

Other People’s Energy

Let’s talk about other people and the energy vibration they are emitting. You know the room feels quiet until ______ walks in, and the energy changes completely and you can feel his or her energy, even after they left. We can all fill in that blank…. can’t we? So now you have your energy vibration and now adding other people to the mix, now, let’s look at your environment?

Energy Vibration of our things and home
Our environment also vibrates at different frequencies,whether it is a room, office, home building, even the land you are on, all vibrate at a different frequency rate. Now add more people, their consciousnesses, moods, emotions, energy signals, illnesses…etc., Then you are now competing in a frequency dance that either suits you or not.

Attempting an Energy Shift to Increase You Frequency

It does not always take an energy specialist to clear spaces. Anyone can clear and maintain energy in their space or aura. The overall goal is for both you and your environment to shift and calm down.

How would you know it did shift and the energy increased in frequency,? That is easy, You should feel calmer, the energy in the room feels quieter and calm? Do you feel settled down? Are there people gone, that may have created the frequency change by their own energy?
While attempting a energy shift, it takes several ingredients: a shift in consciousnesses. And, that means, to willfully do some quick personal work. to make a conscious shift of your emotions.

  • Identify what is bothering you
  • Accept what is happening around you that you can not change now
  • Politely remove anything or anyone that needs to be cleared from your space
  • Negativity lowers your energy vibrations. Negative people often impact us and our environment throughout the day. Everyone has experienced being around a person who makes you uncomfortable. We know this intuitively because as the person leaves the room, their energy does not go with them. We often experience this residual energy for quite some time as a subtle and uncomfortable heaviness in the space.

The Process:


